Editorial office of ACTA PETROLEI SINICA ›› 2011, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (6): 949-958.DOI: 10.7623/syxb201106004

• Petroleum Exploration • Previous Articles     Next Articles

A quantitative characterization and effectiveness evaluation on sandstone carrier beds of the Silurian Kalpintag Formation in the Tazhong area, Tarim Basin

ZHAO Jian 1  LUO Xiaorong 1  ZHANG Baoshou 2  ZHAO Fengyun 2  LEI Yuhong 1   

  • Received:2011-04-15 Revised:2011-07-20 Online:2011-11-25 Published:2012-01-17


赵  健 1  罗晓容 1  张宝收 2  赵风云 2  雷裕红 1   

  1. 1中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所中国科学院油气资源研究重点实验室  北京  100029; 2中国石油塔里木油田公司勘探开发研究院  新疆库尔勒  841000
  • 通讯作者: 赵 健
  • 作者简介:赵 健,男,1982年8月生,2006年毕业于中国地质大学(武汉),现为中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所在读博士研究生,主要从事石油地质专业油气成藏动力学研究。
  • 基金资助:



Compared with the traditional sandstone description, a quantitative characterization of the geometric connectivity of sandstone carrier beds and the fluid connectivity has become an innovatory trend in studies of sandstone carrier beds because a numerical simulation that becomes increasingly necessary and important in carrier-bed studies can be achieved by this approach. The present paper took a sandstone carrier member of the Silurian Kalpintag Formation in the Tazhong area as an example to study the connectivity and physical properties of sandstones in geological history in terms of hydrocarbon migration. The sandstone carrier member of the Silurian Kalpintag Formation is made up of two separated oil-gas migration units, so it would be proper to divide the member into two sets of sandstone carriers: the upper and lower sandstone carrier sub-members. The geometric connectivity of these two carrier sub-members was quantitatively characterized using a sandstone ratio calculation model and based on effectively distinguishing oils into different episodes the late-stage oil was taken as a key indicator to investigate the fluid connectivity of sandstones during the Hercynian hydrocarbon accumulation. The result revealed that that Silurian sandstones had a good capacity of fluid connectivity besides the geometric connectivity, thus they remained a potential oil-gas carrier bed. According to the relationship between sandstone diagenesis and hydrocarbon charging, the paleo-porosity and paleo-permeability of sandstone carrier beds in hydrocarbon accumulations were quantitatively reconstructed and then the quantified paleo-permeability was applied as a key parameter to characterize the carrier capacity of sandstones. As another important migration pathway, the hydrocarbon carrier capacity of critical faults was also evaluated. These faults combined together with sandstone carriers formed a compound framework for hydrocarbon migration and accumulation. Based on previous studies on Silurian hydrocarbon accumulation models and the behavior of major faults in hydrocarbon migration, the geometric distribution and direction of hydrocarbon migration pathways in Silurian asphalt sandstones in the Tazhong area were obtained using numerical simulation and the process of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation at the end of Hercynian was investigated as well. The result revealed that oil-gas migration and accumulation in the Silurian were strongly influenced and even controlled by the carrier capacity of Silurian sandstones. In the northwestern Tazhong area, hydrocarbons mainly accumulated around fault belts due to a relatively poor carrier capacity of sandstones there, while the lateral migration of hydrocarbons occurred mainly in the central and southern Tazhong area because of a better carrier capacity of sandstones. Therefore, structural reservoirs may be the next exploration goal in the northwestern Tazhong area, while lithologic reservoirs should be given special attention in the central and southern Tazhong area.

Key words: Tazhong area, Kalpintag Formation, sandstone carrier bed, geometric connectivity, fluid connectivity, numerical simulation



关键词: 塔中地区, 柯坪塔格组, 砂岩输导层, 几何连通性, 流体连通性, 数值模拟