Acta Petrolei Sinica ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (1): 207-222.DOI: 10.7623/syxb202301013
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Zhong Junjie1, Wang Zengding1, Sun Zhigang2, Yao Jun1, Yang Yongfei1, Sun Hai1, Zhang Lei1, Zhang Kai1
钟俊杰1, 王曾定1, 孙志刚2, 姚军1, 杨永飞1, 孙海1, 张磊1, 张凯1
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Zhong Junjie, Wang Zengding, Sun Zhigang, Yao Jun, Yang Yongfei, Sun Hai, Zhang Lei, Zhang Kai. Research advances in microscale fluid characteristics of shale reservoirs based on nanofluidic technology[J]. Acta Petrolei Sinica, 2023, 44(1): 207-222.
钟俊杰, 王曾定, 孙志刚, 姚军, 杨永飞, 孙海, 张磊, 张凯. 基于纳米流控技术的页岩储层微观流体特征研究进展[J]. 石油学报, 2023, 44(1): 207-222.
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