Editorial office of ACTA PETROLEI SINICA ›› 2007, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (1): 8-13.DOI: 10.7623/syxb200701002

• Petroleum Exploration • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Origin and distribution of high-acidity oils

Dou Lirong1, Hou Dujie2, Cheng Dingsheng1, Li Maowen3, Pan Xiaohua1   

  1. 1. China National Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Corporation, Beijing 100034, China;
    2. China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China;
    3. Geological Survey of Canada-Calgary, Alberta T2L 2A7, Canada
  • Received:2006-04-17 Revised:2006-06-22 Online:2007-01-25 Published:2010-05-21


窦立荣1, 侯读杰2, 程顶胜1, 黎茂稳3, 潘校华1   

  1. 1. 中国石油天然气勘探开发公司 北京 100034;
    2. 中国地质大学(北京) 北京 100083;
    3. 加拿大联邦地质调查局卡尔加里分部 阿尔伯塔 T2L 2A7
  • 作者简介:窦立荣,男,1965年8月生,2004年获中国科学院博士学位,现为中国石油天然气勘探开发公司非洲勘探项目组副组长,教授级高级工程师,主要从事海外油气藏地质研究与勘探工作.E-mail:doulirong@cnpcint.com
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The acidity of crude oil is expressed by its total acid number (TAN),which is the number of KOH determined by non-aqueous titration needed to neutralize the acidity in one gram of oil. According to the distribution of TAN of oil in the world, crude oils can be classified into four types including conventional oil, low-acidity oil, high-acidity oil and extremely high-acidity oil. Oil with more than 1 mg/g of TAN is defined as high-acidity oil. On the basis of the origins of oil accumulations, the high-acidity oil can be divided into three types of primary-type, secondary biodegradation-type and mixed-type oils. The TAN of crude oil at any given biodegradation ranking tends to increase in the order of marine oils less than lacustrine oils. In the world, most of high-acidity oils were caused by biodegradation and accumulated mainly in stratigraphic traps of foreland basins, and secondly distributed in anticline, fault-block and stratigraphic traps of rift basins, passive continental marginal basins and cratonic basins.

Key words: crude oil, total acid number, biodegradation, foreland basin, rift basin

摘要: 原油酸值是表示原油中酸性物质总含量的参数,即中和1g原油所需要的KOH的数量。对世界大量原油酸值进行了调研,并根据酸值的大小将原油划分为正常原油、含酸原油、高酸值原油和特高酸值原油。其中将酸值高于1mg/g的原油称为高酸值原油。根据高酸值原油的成因,进一步划分出原生高酸值原油、次生生物降解型高酸值原油和混合型高酸值原油。研究发现,海相和湖相环境生成的原油,其酸值随生物降解程度的增加而增加的速率不同,湖相远高于海相。全球高酸值原油主要由生物降解作用形成,主要储量分布在前陆盆地的前缘地带,以大型地层圈闭油藏为主;其次分布在裂谷盆地、被动大陆边缘盆地和克拉通盆地含油气系统的边缘和浅层的各种背斜、断块和地层圈闭中。

关键词: 原油, 酸值, 生物降解, 前陆盆地, 裂谷盆地

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