Acta Petrolei Sinica ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (10): 1382-1394.DOI: 10.7623/syxb202110012
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Sun Jinsheng1,2, Lei Shaofei1, Bai Yingrui1, Lü Kaihe1, Zhang Shupei1, Han Jinliang1, Cheng Rongchao2, Liu Fan2
孙金声1,2, 雷少飞1, 白英睿1, 吕开河1, 张曙沛1, 韩金良1, 程荣超2, 刘凡2
CLC Number:
Sun Jinsheng, Lei Shaofei, Bai Yingrui, Lü Kaihe, Zhang Shupei, Han Jinliang, Cheng Rongchao, Liu Fan. Mechanical transformation mechanism of polymer materials and its application prospects in the field of drilling fluids[J]. Acta Petrolei Sinica, 2021, 42(10): 1382-1394.
孙金声, 雷少飞, 白英睿, 吕开河, 张曙沛, 韩金良, 程荣超, 刘凡. 高分子材料的力学状态转变机理及在钻井液领域的应用展望[J]. 石油学报, 2021, 42(10): 1382-1394.
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