Acta Petrolei Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (1): 41-57.DOI: 10.7623/syxb202201004
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Zhang Xiangtao1, Li Jun2, Xiang Xuhong1, Zhao Jingzhou2
张向涛1, 李军2, 向绪洪1, 赵靖舟2
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Zhang Xiangtao, Li Jun, Xiang Xuhong, Zhao Jingzhou. Genetic mechanism of overpressure and its significance on petroleum exploration in Baiyun sag in the deep water zone of Pearl River Mouth Basin[J]. Acta Petrolei Sinica, 2022, 43(1): 41-57.
张向涛, 李军, 向绪洪, 赵靖舟. 珠江口盆地深水区白云凹陷超压成因机制及其勘探意义[J]. 石油学报, 2022, 43(1): 41-57.
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