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Yao Jianjun, Chen Mengjin, Hua Aigang, et al.Formation of the gas reservoirs of the Leshan-Longnvsi Sinian palaeo-uplift in central Sichuan[J].Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2003, 30(4):7-9. [2] 徐世琦, 洪海涛, 师晓蓉.乐山—龙女寺古隆起与下古生界含油气性的关系探讨[J].天然气勘探与开发, 2002, 25(3):10-15. Xu Shiqi, Hong Haitao, Shi Xiaorong.Discussion on the relationship between the Leshan-Longnvsi Paleo-uplift and the petroliferous of Lower Paleozoic[J].Natural Gas Exploration and Development, 2002, 25(3):10-15. [3] 徐世琦, 熊荣国.加里东古隆起形成演化特征及形成机制[J].天然气勘探与开发, 1999, 22(2):1-6. Xu Shiqi, Xiong Rongguo.The formation and evolution of the Caledonian paleouplift and its formation mechanism[J].Natural Gas Exploration and Development, 1999, 22(2):1-6. [4] 何登发, 谢晓安.中国克拉通盆地中央古隆起与油气勘探[J].勘探家, 1997, 2(2):11-19. He Dengfa, Xie Xiao'an.Petroleum exploration in central paleo-uplifts of cratonic basins in China[J].Petroleum Explorationist, 1997, 2(2):11-19. [5] Yong L, Allen P A, Densmore A L, et al.Evolution of the Longmen Shan foreland basin (western Sichuan Basin) during the Late Triassic Indosinian orogen[J].Basin Research, 2003, 15(1):117-138.  [6] Meng Qingren, Wang E, Hu Jianmin.Mesozoic sedimentary evolution of the northwest Sichuan basin:implication for continued clockwise rotation of the South China block[J].Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2005, 117(3):396-410.  [7] 宋文海.乐山—龙女寺古隆起大中型气田成藏条件研究[J].天然气工业, 1996, 16(增刊):13-26. Song Wenhai.Research on reservoir-formed conditions of large-medium gas fields of Leshan-Longnüsi Palaeouplift[J].Natural Gas Industry, 1996, 16(Supp.):13-26. [8] 许海龙, 魏国齐, 贾承造, 等.乐山—龙女寺古隆起构造演化及对震旦系成藏的控制[J].石油勘探与开发, 2012, 39(4):406-416. Xu Hailong, Wei Guoqi, Jia Chengzao, et al.Tectonic evolution of the Leshan-Longnüsi paleo-uplift and its control on gas accumulation in the Sinian strata, Sichuan Basin[J].Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2012, 39(4):406-416. 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[22] 何登发, 李德生, 张国伟, 等.四川多旋回叠合盆地的形成与演化[J].地质科学, 2011, 46(3):589-606. He Dengfa, Li Desheng, Zhang Guowei, et al.Formantion and evolution of multi-cycle superposed Sichuan Basin, China[J].Chinese Journal of Geology, 2011, 46(3):589-606. [23] 李启桂, 李克胜, 唐欢阳.四川盆地不整合发育特征及其油气地质意义[J].天然气技术, 2010, 4(6):21-25. Li Qigui, Li Kesheng, Tang Huanyang.Unconformity characteristics of Sichuan Basin and its geological implication[J].Natural Gas Technology, 2010, 4(6):21-25. [24] 李英强, 何登发, 文竹.四川盆地及邻区晚震旦世古地理与构造—沉积环境演化[J].古地理学报, 2013, 15(2):231-246. Li Yingqiang, He Dengfa, Wen Zhu.Palaeogeography and tectonic-depositional environment evolution of the Late Sinianin Sichuan Basin and adjacent areas[J].Journal of Palaeogeography, 2013, 15(2):231-246. [25] 杨威, 谢武仁, 魏国齐, 等.四川盆地寒武纪—奥陶纪层序岩相古地理、有利储层展布与勘探区带[J]. 石油学报, 2012, 33(增刊2):21-34. Yang Wei, Xie Wuren, Wei Guoqi, et al.Sequence lithofacies paleogeography, favorable reservoir distribution and exploration zones of the Cambrian and Ordovician in Sichuan Basin, China[J].Acta Petrolei Sinica, 2012, 33(S2):21-34. [26] 赵宗举, 周慧, 陈轩, 等.四川盆地及邻区二叠纪层序岩相古地理及有利勘探区带[J].石油学报, 2012, 33(增刊2):35-51. Zhao Zongju, Zhou Hui, Chen Xuan, et al.Sequence lithofacies paleogeography and favorable exploration zones of the Permian in Sichuan Basin and adjacent areas, China[J].Acta Petrolei Sinica, 2012, 33(S2):35-51. [27] 王二七, 孟庆任.对龙门山中生代和新生代构造演化的讨论[J].中国科学D辑:地球科学, 2008, 38(10):1221-1233. Wang Erqi, Meng Qingren.Discussion on the mesozoic and cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Longmenshan[J].Science in China Series D:Earth Sciences, 2008, 38(10):1221-1233. [28] Kirby E, Reiners P W, Krol M A, et al.Late Cenozoic evolution of the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau:inferences from 40Ar/39Ar and (U-Th)/He thermochronology[J].Tectonics, 2002, 21(1):1-20. [29] 罗志立.四川盆地基底结构的新认识[J].成都理工学院学报, 1998, 25(2):191-200. Luo Zhili.New recognition of basement in Sichuan Basin[J].Journal of Chengdu University of Technology, 1998, 25(2):191-200. i, Jia Chengzao, et al.Tectonic evolution of the Leshan-Longnüsi paleo-uplift and its control on gas accumulation in the Sinian strata, Sichuan Basin[J].Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2012, 39(4):406-416. [9] 刘和甫, 梁慧设, 蔡立国, 等.川西龙门山冲断系构造样式与前陆盆地演化[J].地质学报, 1994, 68(2):100-118. Liu Hefu, Liang Huishe, Cai Liguo, et al.Structural styles of the Longmenshan thrust belt and evolution of the foreland basin in western Sichuan Province, China[J].Acta Geologica Sinica, 1994, 68(2):100-118. [10] 曹伟.龙门山推覆构造带中段前缘构造浅析[J].石油实验地质, 1994, 16(1):35-42. Cao Wei.On the overthrusting tectonics of the front margin along the middle section of the Longmenshan tectonic belt[J].Experimental Petroleum Geology, 1994, 16(1):35-42. [11] 汤良杰, 杨克明, 金文正, 等.龙门山冲断带多层次滑脱带与滑脱构造变形[J].中国科学D辑:地球科学, 2008, 38(增刊):30-40. Tang Liangjie, Yang Keming, Jin Wenzheng, et al.Multiple detachment belts and detachment deformation in Longmenshan thrust belt[J].Science in China Series D:Earth Sciences, 2008, 38(S1):30-40. [12] 金文正, 汤良杰, 杨克明, 等.龙门山冲断带构造特征研究主要进展及存在问题探讨[J].地质论评, 2008, 54(1):37-46. Jin Wenzheng, Tang Liangjie, Yang Keming, et al.Progress and problem of study on characters of the Longmen Mountain thrust belt[J].Geological Review, 2008, 54(1):37-46. [13] Suppe J, Connors C.Critical-taper wedge mechanics of fold-and-thrust belts on Venus:initial results from Magellan[J].Journal of Geophysical Research, 1992, 97(E8):13545-13561. [14] Suppe J.Geometry and kinematics of fault-bend folding[J].American Journal of Science, 2004, 283(7):684-721. [15] Medwedeff D A, Supple J.Multibend fault-bend folding[J].Journal of Structural Geology, 1997, 19(3/4):279-292. [16] Shaw J H, Bilotti F, Brennan P.Patterns of imbricate thrusting[J].Geological Society of America Bulletin, 1999, 111(8):1140-1154.  [17] Shaw J H, Connors C, Suppe J.Seismic interpretation of contractional Fault-Related folds:an AAPG seismic atlas[M].Bulletin:American Association of Petroleum Geologists Special Publication, 2004:12-70. [18] 何登发, Suppe J, 贾承造.断层相关褶皱理论与应用研究新进展[J].地学前缘, 2005, 12(4):353-364. He Dengfa, Suppe J, Jia Chengzao.New advances in theory and application of fault-related folding[J].Earth Science Frontiers, 2005, 12(4):353-364. [19] 李书兵, 陈伟, 简高明, 等.龙门山前中段地震剖面的构造分析[J].西南石油大学学报, 2006, 28(2):20-24. Li Shubing, Chen Wei, Jian Gaoming, et al.The structure analysis of two-dimensional seismic profile to the middle sect ion of Longmen mountain anterior margin[J].Journal of Southwest Petroleum Institute, 2006, 28(2):20-24. [20] 刘树根, 田小彬, 李智武, 等.龙门山中段构造特征与汶川地震[J].成都理工大学学报:自然科学版, 2008, 35(4):388-397. Liu Shugen, Tian Xiaobin, Li Zhiwu, et al.Structural features of the central Longmen Mountains and the Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan, China[J].Journal of Chengdu University of Technology:Science and Technology Edition, 2008, 35(4):388-397. [21] Jia D, Li Y Q, Lin A M, et al.Structural model of 2008 MW7.9 Wenchuan earthquake in the rejuvenated Longmen Shan thrust belt, China[J].Tectonophysics, 2010, 491(1/4):174-184. [22] 何登发, 李德生, 张国伟, 等.四川多旋回叠合盆地的形成与演化[J].地质科学, 2011, 46(3):589-606. He Dengfa, Li Desheng, Zhang Guowei, et al.Formantion and evolution of multi-cycle superposed Sichuan Basin, China[J].Chinese Journal of Geology, 2011, 46(3):589-606. [23] 李启桂, 李克胜, 唐欢阳.四川盆地不整合发育特征及其油气地质意义[J].天然气技术, 2010, 4(6):21-25. Li Qigui, Li Kesheng, Tang Huanyang.Unconformity characteristics of Sichuan Basin and its geological implication[J].Natural Gas Technology, 2010, 4(6):21-25. [24] 李英强, 何登发, 文竹.四川盆地及邻区晚震旦世古地理与构造—沉积环境演化[J].古地理学报, 2013, 15(2):231-246. Li Yingqiang, He Dengfa, Wen Zhu.Palaeogeography and tectonic-depositional environment evolution of the Late Sinianin Sichuan Basin and adjacent areas[J].Journal of Palaeogeography, 2013, 15(2):231-246. [25] 杨威, 谢武仁, 魏国齐, 等.四川盆地寒武纪—奥陶纪层序岩相古地理、有利储层展布与勘探区带[J]. 石油学报, 2012, 33(增刊2):21-34. Yang Wei, Xie Wuren, Wei Guoqi, et al.Sequence lithofacies paleogeography, favorable reservoir distribution and exploration zones of the Cambrian and Ordovician in Sichuan Basin, China[J].Acta Petrolei Sinica, 2012, 33(S2):21-34. [26] 赵宗举, 周慧, 陈轩, 等.四川盆地及邻区二叠纪层序岩相古地理及有利勘探区带[J].石油学报, 2012, 33(增刊2):35-51. Zhao Zongju, Zhou Hui, Chen Xuan, et al.Sequence lithofacies paleogeography and favorable exploration zones of the Permian in Sichuan Basin and adjacent areas, China[J].Acta Petrolei Sinica, 2012, 33(S2):35-51. [27] 王二七, 孟庆任.对龙门山中生代和新生代构造演化的讨论[J].中国科学D辑:地球科学, 2008, 38(10):1221-1233. Wang Erqi, Meng Qingren.Discussion on the mesozoic and cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Longmenshan[J].Science in China Series D:Earth Sciences, 2008, 38(10):1221-1233. [28] Kirby E, Reiners P W, Krol M A, et al.Late Cenozoic evolution of the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau:inferences from 40Ar/39Ar and (U-Th)/He thermochronology[J].Tectonics, 2002, 21(1):1-20. [29] 罗志立.四川盆地基底结构的新认识[J].成都理工学院学报, 1998, 25(2):191-200. Luo Zhili.New recognition of basement in Sichuan Basin[J].Journal of Chengdu University of Technology, 1998, 25(2):191-200.